Vermont Passes a New Data Privacy Law

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vermont data law

Vermont just did something pretty big in the world of data privacy. They passed a law that lets people sue companies if they mess with their privacy. 

That’s a game-changer, right?

Before this, if a company played fast and loose with your personal info, there wasn’t much you could do on your own. You had to wait around for the state to step in. But not anymore.

This new law isn’t just about suing, though. It’s got some strict rules about what companies can and can’t do with your data. For starters, they can’t just collect whatever they want anymore. They’ve got to keep it to the essentials.

And selling your sensitive info? Big no-no.

If they cross the line, they’re in for a legal battle.

What’s interesting is that about 67% of internet users in the United States don’t know their country’s data privacy and protection rules.

Now, this whole suing option is pretty special. Illinois has something similar for biometric data (you know, fingerprints, face recognition, all that jazz), and it’s led to a bunch of lawsuits against companies that thought they could get away with stuff. Vermont’s version is a bit different, though. It’s got a time limit – two years for now – and it’s mainly aimed at the big data brokers, the ones who make their money trading in personal info.

The folks behind this law are also thinking about fairness. They’ve put in some tough rules to stop companies from using your data to discriminate against you. And while California’s got its own strong privacy law, Vermont’s is stepping it up by covering more than just data breaches.

One of the bill’s champions, Rep. Monique Priestley, hit the nail on the head. She said our lives and everything we do are constantly being turned into cash by companies watching our every move. It’s high time for a change, and this law is a big step in the right direction.

And guess what? Vermont isn’t alone.

Maryland just signed a beefy digital privacy law too. That makes 17 states that are saying, “Enough is enough” when it comes to companies playing fast and loose with our personal info.

Meanwhile, up on Capitol Hill, there’s talk about a nationwide privacy law. We all know how well the government keeps our data safe, but things are looking promising. Senators and representatives are trying to figure out how to protect our privacy across the whole country. But there’s a bit of a tug-of-war going on. Some folks want the federal law to be the last word, while others, like California’s Attorney General, are saying, “Hold up, let’s make sure states can still do their own thing if they want to go further.”

So, what do you think? Is this the beginning of a new era for privacy, or is there still a long way to go? Either way, it’s clear that people are starting to demand more control over their personal information, and lawmakers are listening.

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