AirVPN Review - Is It Any Good?

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airvpn review

In this AirVPN review, we will take a deep look into the app.

You will see what it offers, its prices, its features, how fast it is, is it safe, and what its business is like. All you yourself need to do is keep reading and pay attention.

Let’s go.

airvpn homepage

If you wish to achieve safety and security online, you need to protect yourself as much as you can. Using the internet is not safe, and there should be no illusions about that.

Many believe that they are not in danger only because they do not have any important data. Well, the thing is, that you don’t need to have anything in order to become a target.

Hackers would try to find whatever they can, your ISP will record your data in order to sell it. Even the government will spy on you, only to see what is on your mind.

You should not let that happen to you, which is why you need to use the best possible method of protection. We are, of course, talking about a VPN.

However, not just any old VPN will do. You should have the best, which is what we are here to talk about today.

About AirVPN

AirVPN was started as a big project for a small group back in 2010.

Its founders were activists with concerns about online freedom, and what privacy might fall down to. Unfortunately, they were right to fear the future, but luckily, they came up with this great VPN provider.

From its beginning until now, AirVPN has had one single purpose, and that was to provide safety.

We are glad to say that this mission is going extremely well even today. But let’s talk about the details, and what this provider really offers.

Pricing and plans

AirVPN has only one package, which is a premium one.

They even call it Premium, and yes, you have to pay for it, just like for anything that works even half-decently. However, AirVPN also understands that not everyone can afford to pay all at once, or even use VPN constantly.

This is why they have several plans for this one package for you to choose from.
Those include:

  • 3 days for 2 euros
  • 1 month for 7 euros
  • 3 months for 15 euros
  • 6 months for 29 euros
  • 1 year for 48 euros
  • 2 years for 70 euros
  • 3 years for 99 euros
airvpn pricing

You can choose any one of these plans, and use the VPN for as long as you need. And the best thing is that if you choose one of the longer ones, you get to save up to 28% of your money for 3 and 6 months plans, and up to 35% for an annual one.

And as for the methods of payment, AirVPN is extremely flexible. They accept a lot of different credit cards, but also PayPal, Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies, gift vouchers, and more. You can pay in Euros, Bitcoins, or US dollars. Those that wish to remain completely anonymous should best use Bitcoin. In the end, the choice is yours.

Get your money back

In case you have a change of heart, or you just want to try this provider out, there is a 3-day money return guarantee.

However, there are some conditions under which you can get the money back.

You do not have to provide a reason for wanting your money back, but you need to submit a written request to the email address.

Also, you must send it within the first three days of making the payment.

And lastly, if you have used more than five gigabytes of bandwidth, you can’t get the money. So, watch out for that. AirVPN may be a service provider, but they won’t let anyone use them.

AirVPN server network

The number of servers is decent and they are set at strategic locations in 30+ cities in 16 different countries. Most of them are in Europe, but there are also some in Asia, as well as in North America.

  • Singapore
  • Hong Kong
  • America
  • Canada
  • US
  • Czech Republic
  • France
  • Germany
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Netherlands
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • UK

True, there are not thousands of them like some of the bigger VPN names are providing.

Still, these are set in good locations, and there are quite enough of them to access virtually anything you want. Plus, most of them are high-speed ones, which improves the overall performance.

AirVPN other features

When it comes to protocols, AirVPN only supports OpenVPN.

The reason for this is that it believes that others are either insecure or already compromised.

Since they wish to provide their users with real, good-quality protection, they only aim for the best.

And since most platforms do support OpenVPN, this will likely not pose an issue.

We agree with that policy. Other VPN protocols may be faster but they do not guarantee adequate protection.

It may be nice to have more VPN protocols as an option to choose from, but in reality, you should almost never use them if you want to be safe.

That’s why we believe that even if AirVPN supports only OpenVPN, that’s good enough.

Next, we have multiple simultaneous connections. These are very useful if you have several different devices, and you use them all on a regular basis.

With AirVPN, you can protect up to three of them at once.

airvpn devices

The rest of the AirVPN features that other VPNs don’t even offer include:

  • DNS routing – This is a method that can help if the service you wish to access has already blocked your VPN. Geo-restrictions are there for a reason, and services that force them don’t appreciate you bypassing them. However, DNS routing helps to bypass even that block, most of the time.
  • Tor over AirVPN – This way, you connect to your VPN first and then to the Tor network. It will allow you even more safety, and this way you will have no doubt that you are as anonymous as it is possible. Even if someone were to track you while you use a VPN, there is no way that you can be spied on if these two methods are combined.
  • AirVPN over Tor – Similarly, you will once again combine your VPN and Tor. However, this method is used when you wish to protect your identity even from the VPN itself. AirVPN supports using Tor when you access their website, and they have no issues if you wish to protect yourself even from them. They usually don’t log you at all, but you can never be too safe, and they support it. After all, ensuring safety is a VPN provider’s job. Then, there are alternative port selections:
  • Port forwarding – This is useful for game servers or self-hosted websites. Everyone who is in need of multiple open ports will find it useful, and luckily, AirVPN allows it.
  • P2P support – P2P support is what torrent users need from a VPN. Since torrenting is seen as illegal in some countries, having a VPN that supports this kind of traffic is very appreciated. Very few VPNs actually allow it, but AirVPN is one of them, which is another point for this provider.
  • Wrapping of OpenVPN in SSL and SSH protocols – This is yet another method that can help with bypassing restrictions and blocks. What it does is that wraps OpenVPN in SSL or SSH protocols, which works as a disguise, and tricks those who are monitoring the traffic into thinking that it is just normal, regular connection.
Air VPN benefits

All of these features work to increase your safety and security, as well as to help you bypass geo-restrictions.

Also, AirVPN is uniquely connected to Tor Network. This allows them to work together, and enhance your security even more. You will hardly find this feature anywhere else, and it makes for an entirely new experience.

Privacy And Security

AirVPN has a very strict and clear no-logging policy, which means that they won’t record any of your online actions. All that they actually do keep is the info that they need in order to provide service to their users. And even that data remains hidden from any third parties.

AirVPN doesn’t even post servers in countries where the current law could somehow get users’ safety in danger. You can find the details easily in the VPN’s privacy policy.

But not only will they respect your privacy, they actually advise connecting to their website through Tor. By doing that, your real IP and other personal data will never get in danger of becoming a part of any records.

As for the protocols, we have already mentioned and explained why AirVPN prefers using OpenVPN. This actually is the most secure protocol, and many other VPNs use it as their first choice too.

AirVPN will also encrypt your data, and it will use the strongest encryption to do so. This VPN takes no risks, and it won’t let its clients suffer from any online danger.

This includes protection from malware and hackers, as well as protection of your data through these advanced means.

The website

This VPN’s website values organization and functionality, which is obvious from the first time you look at it.

All of the information is easy to find, and you can tell where first to start your search for any piece of info that you need.

airvpn website

However, many would agree that the jargon and the language itself are too difficult for casual users to understand.

It is not hard to use this VPN, but those new to the VPN world will have a harder time when it comes to understanding what is going on.

Still, the organization of the website itself is admirable, and the server statistics are so well organized that it is nothing short of beautiful.

Details are completely open for your personal analysis, and they can provide any information that you might need.


Now, when it comes to support, you can mostly get it via AirVPN forums. This is also very off-putting for casual users, especially because discussions often get technical.

Because of this, many find them a bit intimidating and don’t dare to post their problem.

The positive thing is that these discussions will provide you with all the VPN info that you ever wanted to know. Even with info that you did not know that you want to know.

The only trick is that you have to know these things in order to understand what the users are talking about.

This is very positive, since a lot of the time, asking questions will only give you a casual answer. This is true even if your question is a complex one.

Sometimes, the support won’t even have a clue what it is that you are talking about. Such support is not a very good one, and with AirVPN, you won’t have any similar problems.

And as your last option, in case digging through forums has become too tiring for you, you can email the support team.

The replay will usually come within one day, which isn’t as fast as you might like, but it is still decent.

How to set it up

Setting this VPN up is relatively simple, and the process goes similarly like for any other VPN.

It, of course, starts by going to the VPN’s website and clicking on the sign-up button.

There are several steps for you to take here.

  • First, you must create an account
  • Secondly, you should choose which plan you wish to use, and pay for
  • Thirdly, you need to choose the OS that you need an app for.

The amount of info that you will need to provide here depends on your payment option. As for creating an account, you will only have to provide your email address.

A disposable address should serve you best if you wish to increase your anonymity.

airvpn signup

Afterward, you simply download and install the software. After you log in and choose your server, you are ready to go.

The app

Now, the app is interesting. When you first see it, you are immediately reminded of the VPN’s website. There are the same functionality and organization.

airvpn login

AirVPN calls this app Eddie, and its most important feature is the fact that it is completely open source.

That way, you can make sure that there are no fishy background features that might interfere with your safety.

airvpn connected

As part of the app’s features, you will find DNS leak protection, a lot of stats, as well as dynamic server selection. There is really no shortage of info, and you will easily keep an eye on what is going on thanks to that.

airvpn session
airvpn speed

The lock that you can see in the top right means that Network Lock is working and that you have a firewall. This will stop all ongoing traffic unless it goes through the secure tunnel that the VPN provides.

And thanks to the DNS leak protection, you will know that the tunnel is completely safe.

airvpn logs

These measures will prevent any possibility of a leak, and your security will be completely safe.

airvpn settings

Just like the website, the app itself also tends to get ‘techy‘, and you need a certain level of knowledge to fully understand it. Some terms may even pose a problem to those with experience, and even they will have to look it up.

airvpn advanced settings

Speed Test

Now, when it comes to speed, it is very good. The results are very satisfying, and you should not encounter any problems here. Some servers work even faster than others. That often depends on their location, and how far your data needs to travel in order to reach the server.

airvpn speed test



All in all, this is a very good VPN, with a lot of extra features that are very rare, and sometimes almost impossible to find elsewhere.

AirVPN values security more than anything, but its speeds are great as well. The app is bursting with information about your connection and what is happening to it. The website acts in the same way when it comes to what it offers.

The prices are more than decent, and the longer the plan you choose, the more money you will manage to save.

The things that might pose a bit of a problem include Italy as a base for this provider, as well as a relatively limited amount of servers. Still, it largely depends on what you need a VPN for.

However, the one thing that is really bugging everyone is the technicality of the entire service. From the moment you access the website, until the moment you log out of the app, you will have this issue.

The provider assumes that everyone who comes to their website is a pro-VPN user with tons of technical knowledge.

For those who understand this stuff, it will pose no issue. However, the new users won’t understand a thing, and will simply give up on the whole idea. And if they assume that every VPN is this ‘complicated‘, it might even discourage them from trying another provider.

However, apart from that, it is a great VPN, and we suggest using it if you think that you can handle the terminology.

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