Why Should You Use a VPN and How to Make the Most of it

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why use a VPN

The Internet has turned into a dangerous place. You can never be too safe when it comes to exchanging data and maintaining your online privacy.

Due to several threats, you always need to employ security measures and think of ways to keep the danger at bay.

When you store data, you risk compromising your security.

The same goes when you communicate with friends or when you buy something online using your credit card.

Do you want to endure such a lack of safety?

Of course, you don’t!

That’s why you should use a VPN as a data protection tool.

We explain below how it works and what it hides.

Why use a VPN?

Perhaps the most powerful weapon against online threats is the VPN. If you are not familiar with the term, it stands short for Virtual Private Network.

What it does is allow you to maintain your privacy online.

You connect via a remote VPN server with the help of tunneling or point-to-point protocol.

VPN protocols are not accessible by others and thus nobody can penetrate your data. This process is none other than encryption.

Many different reasons make it crystal clear why use a VPN. Among the VPN benefits you should remember the following:

  • With a secure VPN, you can transfer all data without any hesitation. So feel free to send out files because they’ll be protected by encryption.
  • A safe VPN enables you to change your IP address and stay out of sight. This makes you literally invisible to prying eyes and snoopers all around. Hackers will not be able to notice you, either.
  • VPNs ensure that no government surveillance or authoritative regime can shut you down. Instead, you are free to speak your mind and express what you think. You do not leave any trace, after all, and cyber censorship will never bother you!
  • Are you in the mood for a game? Connect to a VPN and get the IP you want to game on! If you are more of an Asian market fan, this is your time to shine abroad!
  • If you want to access geographically restricted content, the VPN gives you the opportunity to do so. Just connect to the remote VPN server of your choosing and here you go!
  • Obviously, the VPN is also a great tool for all business people out there! If you run a business or get responsible for the safety level of your enterprise, encryption is the key to success. Instead of worrying about sharing the wrong info with people who ought not to look, use encryption and maintain the data’s classified character.
  • Do you go out often? Do you find yourself in a predicament, when you want to get online and the only way to do that is through WiFi? What about the potential threats? Well, the VPN preserves your anonymity and makes sure nobody touches you there!

VPN security protocols

Ok, so is the use of a VPN enough for you to secure your online presence? Well, you already know the answer! If only everything were as easy as you would have hoped.

There are significant differences among VPN options in the market and you need to make sure you choose wisely.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is the exact VPN security protocol that the VPN supports. Some VPNs support all (or nearly all) security protocols, whereas others restrict themselves to just a couple.

Among the best-known VPN security protocols nowadays, you should aim at OpenVPN.

This is an open-source security protocol, which creates point-to-point connections with an SSL security certificate.

Besides that, you can choose between PPTP, L2TP/IPsec, and others. PPTP has been the most popular security protocol till the coming of OpenVPN.

Right now, PPTP ensures you a good navigation speed but it is pretty poor in terms of security.

Now that you know more about security protocols, would you like to cut to the chase? VPNs are quite different when you compare them to one another.

Their difference does not lie solely in the specific security protocol they support. No, it goes way deeper than that.

So you must be prudent when selecting the VPN that meets your criteria and allows you to enjoy smooth, prompt, and thorough encryption.

What can you do to pick your VPN wisely?

First of all, you need to read through the privacy policy of the VPN service provider you opt for. Only in this way can you learn more about its use. Knowledge is wealth!

The location of each VPN service provider is crucial. In some countries, strict legislation applies and companies cannot do otherwise.

The privacy policy will reveal to you any glitches in the privacy department.

Do they keep any logs? Is their use restricted by any laws that act in favor of surveillance? It is all there, with the knowledge that ignorance is bliss.

Of course, most people will not read such boring policies. But isn’t that what companies would prefer?

What do you think?

Will you indulge them?

Security killswitch

One of the major advantages of using a VPN is the encryption available throughout your web surfing activities. But in the unfortunate incident of a VPN shutdown, what happens?

Do you lose your armor altogether?

Luckily for you, some tech connoisseurs have thought ahead and they have created Killswitch.

In this way, your VPN connection stops and so does your Internet connection – at the same time! This is how VPNs like PIA offer you the chance to maintain your anonymity no matter what.

DNS leak protection

Sometimes your DNS default server becomes visible, rather than the VPN server you have tried to connect to. This can be disastrous for you and your efforts to remain anonymous.

So DNS leak protection will come in handy.

Private Internet Access gives you such a possibility and this is one of its most precious features.

DNS leak does not always happen as a result of malicious intent, though. It is often just a performance problem, which makes it even more dangerous in the long run.

Apart from using VPNs with DNS leak protection, you can also delete your cookies.

Are you still using PPTP?

You have been warned as to the supremacy of OpenVPN against other security protocols, right? If you persist in using PPTP (as the most obvious choice), be sure you use someone without flaws or vulnerabilities.

For example, PPTP from Microsoft is not safe option to use. Microsoft and Ubuntu also raise security problems and this is something to take into account when using PPTP.

Bitcoin for the win!

Cryptocurrency is great in pursuit of absolute online anonymity.

Bitcoin is the king of all cryptocurrencies, so you can do the Math! You should pay anonymously if you do not wish any connection to your financial transactions.

Bitcoin offers you just that. You pay for your VPN via Bitcoin and you are not tied to any accounts.

This is not the only benefit of Bitcoin, but in the case of VPN service providers, it is one of the top of the list!

Web proxy or VPN – why not both?

If you can find a VPN provider that combines the use of VPN and proxy, you have hit the jackpot! Proxy does not allow you to encrypt your data, which at first sight seems a huge no-no. But if you come to think about it, do you always need encryption?

No. When you don’t, why waste important resources to encrypt data and lose speed? In that case, you should try a proxy service like Smartproxy! It’s easy to set up, even if you’re a complete novice.

Why use a VPN – the more, the merrier

Maybe it is too much, but choosing to subscribe to two different VPNs might do the trick for you. If you are worried about some standards of the former, use the latter and vice versa! Is one VPN idyllic for your shopping spree? Perhaps the other VPN works wonders in cases of live streaming. Rather than compromising on something to win something else, plan ahead!

TOR is not the answer

If you have heard about TOR and are dying to see what this onion represents, it is an initiative marking some serious changes in online security and anonymity.

The Onion Router is a project that helps you encrypt your data. However, the data is not safe while entering and exiting the nodes.

As a result, you get only half the protection you need. Wouldn’t you rather get the whole deal?

Are free VPNs safe? Do not listen to the free sirens

Last but not least, it is essential that you do not fall for free stuff. There is nothing better than a free lunch, some might say.

Still, when it comes to VPN things can turn ugly. Without money, how can you be sure that you get high-quality features and receive the service you deserve?

Even with money, such things do not always apply. So it is best to save on other things and invest in your online privacy and anonymity. When you look at it long-term, it is your win!

There you have it, guys. You now know why to use a VPN.

The importance of VPNs nowadays in the digital era and some useful tips, as to how you can make the most of their use.

Cybersecurity is of the essence and thus you need to know as much as you can about how to prepare yourself.

Check out all the above-mentioned features and enjoy a perfectly safe web surfing experience with the help of a powerful VPN.